Previous Work
Over the years, I have worked on plenty of awesome productions, as well as some big names on Youtube (and even some smaller ones). Here are some of them!

Man on The Internet
I am an active team member and contributor to the Youtube channel, Man on the Internet. And although I only recently started working with them, the process is so incredibly fun, and professional, and everyone on the team is so nice and they deserve support! It is an absolute pleasure to be on board. Projects include: Deltarune the (not) Musical - Attack of the Killer Queen, Super Mario Odyssey - Main Theme - With Lyrics, Reach for the Summit

In addition to Mr. Enter's main channel, I have also done quite a bit of work for his cartoon, Growing Around. Both are a joy to work with John and the rest of his team on, and I hope you will consider supporting these projects! Projects include: Animated Atrocities || The Lion King (2019), and Growing Around: Main Theme Song. (more TBA)

I am an active team member of PsychoticFoxProductions and have been involved with several projects on the channel, large and small. Sammy, the head of the channel, is a good friend of mine and is wonderful to work with. Please support their work! Projects include: Lament Of A Hypergod, A Lover and A Fighter album, and the American Idiot Musical Cover Album Project.

As a fellow horror fan, the work I've done with DeadJosey has truly been a blast to work on. Go check out some of her comic dubs and support her work! Projects include: Final Girl, Clinic of Horrors: The Static, and Stalker X Stalker - Daddy Issues.
Demo Reels
Here you can see some of the work I've done for yourself!
Voice Acting
Other Musical Collaborations
Click here to view a playlist of all my collaborations!
Below is a playlist of (almost) all of the collaborations I have done with others throughout the years. To play the first video only, simply hit the play button in the middle of the screen. If you'd like to play the entire playlist instead, simply hit the playlist icon in the top right corner of the video. Either way, enjoy a more extensive look at my musical and vocal portfolio!
Other Voiceover Work
My extensive list of voiceover work can be found here!
Below, you'll find a complete list of all my voiceover work on Youtube (so far)! To play the first video only, simply hit the play button in the middle of the screen. If you'd like to play the entire playlist instead, hit the playlist icon in the top right corner of the video. Either way, enjoy a more extensive look at my voice-acting portfolio!